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Live Commentary Videos - Season 5 - Games 401 to 500

Candidate Master (CM) Tryfon Gavriel aka Kingscrusher - pioneering with Chessworld and the youtube channel at has lots of entertaining live commentary games, opening videos, news report videos, etc. A new style of chess - for entertainment is a throwback to the Romantic era of chess, when combinations and speculative sacrifices pleased the crowd. But now, it is just online, so it's a bigger crowd than the old cafes of the past such as 'the Cafe de La Reagance' :)

These games 401-500 are played on the Internet Chess club - if you go to you can download an Interface and be playing on the ICC. If you become a full member of ICC please mention my nickname "kingscrusher" as your referrer :)

Blitz #401 vs. IM Kirlian (2501) French: MacCutcheon Lasker variation
Blitz #402 vs. GM Jesper (2276) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #403 vs. alga (2030) Reti Opening
Blitz #404 vs. Porvari (2085) French: Burn variation
Blitz #405 vs. lizfer23 (1989) QGD: Neo-orthodox variation 7.Bxf6
Blitz #406 vs. FM Czentovic (2285) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #407 vs. repla (2135) Old Indian defense
Blitz #408 vs BlunderBoy (2009) Robatsch (modern) defense
Blitz #409 vs Osram (2112) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #410 vs IM expatriot (2351) Benko's opening
Blitz #411 vs MickeyMouse (2224) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #412 vs king-lear (2298) Benoni: 6.e4
Blitz #413 vs juliya (2095) QGD semi-Slav
Blitz #414 vs Chesstiger64 (2093) French: Winawer Alekhine gambit
Blitz #415 vs FM PalaciosLI (2433) Mieses opening
Blitz #416 vs GM El-Marmalade (2513) Queen's pawn
Blitz #417 vs Storski (2245) French: Labourdonnais variation
Blitz #418 vs IM gile (2386) Alekhine's defense
Blitz #419 vs rsq64 (2141) Four knights: Schultze-Muller gambit
Blitz #420 vs MayorMilo (2106) French: Steinitz Boleslavsky variation
Blitz #421 vs GM Profylax (2255) QGD Slav defense
Blitz #422 vs IM xadrezgalego (2105) Caro-Kann: Steinitz variation
Blitz #423 vs GM gorato (2362) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #424 vs FM kunifax (2148) Scotch game
Blitz #425 vs WGM ZLelchuk (2204) King's Indian: Smyslov system
Blitz #426 vs hujestars (2213) Scotch game
Blitz #427 vs anchor4208 (2132) Caro-Kann: advance variation
Blitz #428 vs fishpuppy (2055) Queen's gambit declined
Blitz #429 vs ilus (2365) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #430 vs niknaknik (2142) Robatsch (modern) defense
Blitz #431 vs KoalaDefence (2145) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: Indian variation
Blitz #432 vs FM Dorobanov (2230) French: Tarrasch Guimard main line
Blitz #433 vs NapoleonHill (2333) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #434 vs WGM ZLeichuk (2208) Reti Opening
Blitz #435 vs ChessIPO1 (2075) Pirc defense
Blitz #436 vs Memento (2299) Sicilian
Blitz #437 vs avc1964 (2050) Queen's pawn: Franco-Indian (Keres) defense
Blitz #438 vs s-weber (2261) "French: advance Paulsen attack
Blitz #439 vs djoshana (1866) Robatsch (modern) defense
Blitz #440 vs IM patola (2141) Nimzovich-Larsen attack
Blitz #441 vs JacBror (1908) English: symmetrical variation
Blitz #442 vs A-1 (2227) King's Indian: Kazakh variation
Blitz #443 vs IM QvC (2337) Benko Gambit
Blitz #444 vs IM Lotus_Eater (2303) Reti Opening
Blitz #445 vs IM Lotus_Eater (2295) Queen's pawn game
Blitz #446 vs Dinochess - Morning of 16th October 2009
Blitz #447 vs Dinochess - Morning of 16th October 2009
Blitz #448 vs taragay (2262) QGD: Ragozin variation
Blitz #449 vs Memento (2202) French: Steinitz Boleslavsky variation
Blitz #450 vs IM Azamat (2384) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: Indian variation
Blitz #451 vs Omegaalfar (2140) French: advance Nimzovich variation
Blitz #452 vs Alka (2272) Sicilian: Pelikan Chelyabinsk variation
Blitz #453 vs MrAble (2075) Benoni defense
Blitz #454 vs WIM Ellen-Hellen (2226) Caro-Kann: Tartakower variation
Blitz #455 vs Alka (2223) Sicilian: Pelikan Chelyabinsk variation
Blitz #456 vs Mrso (2281) KGA: Fischer defense
Blitz #457 vs hossam1 (2151) English: symmetrical Benoni formation
Blitz #458 vs robtodd (2232) Benko Gambit
Blitz #459 vs belgianbeer (2082) French: Wing gambit
Blitz #460 vs AreYouAFish (2199) Dunst (Sleipner Heinrichsen) opening
Blitz #461 vs IM confucio (2191) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #462 vs IM vaske (2146) Dunst (Sleipner Heinrichsen) opening
Blitz #463 vs blazinghorses (2162) King's Indian: fianchetto without c4
Blitz #464 vs ThomasTallis (2226) English opening
Blitz #465 vs WIM Ellen-Hellen (2139) Caro-Kann: Tartakower variation
Blitz #466 vs FM HobbyChess (2312) French: exchange variation
Blitz #467 vs FM Perseus (2332) English opening
Blitz #468 vs IM HuertasoHuerta (2304) English: Neo-Catalan accepted
Blitz #469 vs IM Sir John (2481) Caro-Kann: Tartakower variation
Blitz #470 vs GM J-Cuervo (2474) English opening
Blitz #471 vs RaspjeRuignek (2226) French: advance Nimzovich system
Blitz #472 vs Astigmatist (2141) Scandinavian defense
Blitz #473 vs dpecora (1973) Caro-Kann: anti-Caro-Kann defense
Blitz #474 vs EndlessGrind (2089) Caro-Kann: Bronstein-Larsen variation
Blitz #475 vs GM sk99zt (2407) Reti Opening
Blitz #476 vs FM deEccher (2193) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #477 vs GM YARDBIRD (2514) French: King's Indian attack
Blitz #478 vs GM YARDBIRD (2528) QGD: Albin counter-gambit
Blitz #479 vs IM alkhateeb (2088) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #480 vs WGM Alena (2407) QGD Slav
Blitz #481 vs vonsinnen (2384) English opening
Blitz #482 vs GM Nichega (2461) Reti King's Indian attack
Blitz #483 vs robtodd (2222) Caro-Kann: exchange variation
Blitz #484 vs IM vanImpe (2442) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #485 vs GM Bones (2406) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #486 vs FM deEccher (2175) Caro-Kann: Tartakower variation
Blitz #487 vs ruddy (2028) Trompowsky attack
Blitz #488 vs arcice (2135) Sicilian
Blitz #489 vs IM Lotus-Eater (2300) Queen's Indian defense
Blitz #490 vs Mumle (2014) French: Burn variation
Blitz #491 vs IM Serlock (2411) Nimzovich-Larsen attack
Blitz #492 vs hove (2185) French: classical Tartakower variation
Blitz #493 vs whitecrow (2132) Sicilian: Grand Prix attack
Blitz #494 vs ferdia (1942) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #495 vs IM PrincePanic (2271) French: advance Wade variation
Blitz #496 vs mudilo (2256) Caro-Kann: classical variation
Blitz #497 vs miazga (2110) Polish (Sokolsky) opening
Blitz #498 vs Namrepus (1988) English: symmetrical main line with d3
Blitz #499 vs bilibud (2094) Caro-Kann: Rasa-Studier gambit
Blitz #500 vs Uragon-bocho (2116) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit

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