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Live Commentary Videos - Season 6 - Games 501 to 600

Candidate Master (CM) Tryfon Gavriel aka Kingscrusher - pioneering with Chessworld and the youtube channel at has lots of entertaining live commentary games, opening videos, news report videos, etc. A new style of chess - for entertainment is a throwback to the Romantic era of chess, when combinations and speculative sacrifices pleased the crowd. But now, it is just online, so it's a bigger crowd than the old cafes of the past such as 'the Cafe de La Reagance' :)

These games 501-600 are played on the Internet Chess club - if you go to you can download an Interface and be playing on the ICC. If you become a full member of ICC please mention my nickname "kingscrusher" as your referrer :)

Blitz #501 vs porch2000 (2334) QGD Slav: Amsterdam variation
Blitz #502 vs RaspjeRuignek (2223) QGD Slav: 4.Nc3
Blitz #503 vs a-campanile (2004) English: symmetrical variation
Blitz #504 vs Revillo (2104) French: MacCutcheon Janowski variation
Blitz #505 vs colomet (2050) English: ultra-symmetrical variation
Blitz #506 vs ChatBanned (2090) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #507 vs Memento (2342) French: MacCutcheon Lasker variation
Blitz #508 vs MrAble (2068) Caro-Kann: Steinitz variation
Blitz #509 vs Myway (2312) Caro-Kann: advance variation
Blitz #510 vs IM Ornitologo (2077) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #511 vs WGM ZLeichuk (2193) Four knights: Spanish variation
Blitz #512 vs Orko (1911) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #513 vs Backer (2338) Sicilian defense
Blitz #514 vs rraefyn (1965) Nimzo-Indian: classical Noa variation
Blitz #515 vs IM clearbluewater (2286) Queens Gambit Declined
Blitz #516 vs lazarosf (2001) Sicilian: Najdorf Byrne (English) attack
Blitz #517 vs seco (1969) Hungarian defense
Blitz #518 vs modern (2117) English: symmetrical main line with d3
Blitz #519 vs WIM scacchi (2032) Sicilian: Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack
Blitz #520 vs Sanders (2152) Sicilian: Najdorf 6...e6
Blitz #521 vs Grimmling (1991) French: Burn variation
Blitz #522 vs Mozgokliuj (2299) Benoni defense
Blitz #523 vs IM schnappi (2184) Benko Gambit
Blitz #524 vs ubik (2371) French: Burn variation
Blitz #525 vs WGM ZLelchuk (2219) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #526 vs FuriousStorm (2111) Ruy Lopez: closed 7...O-O
Blitz #527 vs AreYouAFish (2231) QGA Janowsky-Larsen variation
Blitz #528 vs GM YARDBIRD (2493) Kings Gambit Declined: Falkbeer 3...e4
Blitz #529 vs GM Smallville (2682) (GM Nakamura) Nimzovich-Larsen attack
Blitz #530 vs FudelMatt (2265) Ruy Lopez: 5.O-O
Blitz #531 vs SonnyBlack (2007) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #532 vs IM Blackjackadder (2194) Nimzo-Indian: classical variation
Blitz #533 vs ElCazador (2253) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #534 vs semco (2153) English: symmetrical Benoni formation
Blitz #535 vs casanova (2144) English: Neo-Catalan
Blitz #536 vs kapunen (2161) Trompowsky attack
Blitz #537 vs IM easy-e (2137) French: advance Wade variation
Blitz #538 vs IM Machinegun (2354) King's Indian with e4 & g3
Blitz #539 vs HermanSteiner (2195) Dunst (Sleipner Heinrichsen) opening
Blitz #540 vs b6Pro (2272) Queen's pawn: English defense
Blitz #541 vs WGM thera (2258) English: Carls' Bremen system
Blitz #542 vs GM El-Marmalade (2468) English: symmetrical variation
Blitz #543 vs Astigmatist (2010) Trompowsky attack
Blitz #544 vs IM Cloth (2129) QGD: classical variation (5.Bf4)
Blitz #545 vs IM StepByStep (2445) QGD: Albin counter-gambit 5.g3
Blitz #546 vs GM Kipi (2443) QGD: Cambridge Springs defense
Blitz #547 vs spurs (2417) Sicilian defense
Blitz #548 vs IM Joorge (2317) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #549 vs GM YARDBIRD (2508) Caro-Kann: classical 7...Nd7
Blitz #550 vs WIM Ellen-Hellen (2158) French: Chigorin variation
Blitz #551 vs jpassos (2125) Queens Gambit Declined: Orthodox defense
Blitz #552 vs HBsen (2062) Queens Gambit Declined semi-Slav: 5.e3
Blitz #553 vs borello (2079) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #554 vs oridevinchy (2077) QGD semi-Slav: Meran 8...a6
Blitz #555 vs steven (1989) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #556 vs Milco8 (2231) Gruenfeld Defence exchange variation
Blitz #557 vs love23love24 (2351) King's Indian: Kazakh variation
Blitz #558 vs ubik (2270) French: classical Tartakower variation
Blitz #559 vs GM taktikus (2463) Queen's pawn game
Blitz #560 vs sebooboo (2241) King's Indian: Torre attack
Blitz #561 vs rsq64 (2058) Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 main line with 7...Nc6
Blitz #562 vs WGM thera (2289) Trompowsky attack (Ruth Opocensk? opening)
Blitz #563 vs ojaku (2062) Queen's Pawn
Blitz #564 vs wichi (2286) Levitsky attack (Queen's bishop attack)
Blitz #565 vs RushGSP (2146) Catalan: closed main line
Blitz #566 vs Neod (2034) French: advance Paulsen attack
Blitz #567 vs Trebonianus (2116) French: advance Wade variation
Blitz #568 vs invalidovich (1935) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #569 vs masterltd (2197) Colle system
Blitz #570 vs WMD (2116) French: Burn variation
Blitz #571 vs bigshark (2030) French: Tarrasch closed variation
Blitz #572 vs esconac (2120) Trompowsky attack
Blitz #573 vs FM deEccher (2107) French: Steinitz variation
Blitz #574 vs camenzind (2055) Old Benoni defense
Blitz #575 vs IM A-Frhat (2180) Sicilian: Smith-Morra gambit
Blitz #576 vs SenselFish (2131) French: Burn variation
Blitz #577 vs antoniocier (2192) French: Tarrasch
Blitz #578 vs pouelsten (2029) French: King's Indian attack
Blitz #579 vs martol (2190) Sicilian: Alapin's variation (2.c3)
Blitz #580 vs Zq (2455) Queen's pawn game
Blitz #581 vs Skjerm (2119) QGD Slav accepted
Blitz #582 vs FM Shumy (2195) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #583 vs Pavel (2066) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #584 vs DeGris (2047) Modern defense
Blitz #585 vs IM jimmy-schlumpf (2268) Queen's pawn
Blitz #586 vs xyster (1981) Reti Opening
Blitz #587 vs Myway (2333) English: symmetrical variation
Blitz #588 vs IM Tavo (2417) French: King's Indian attack
Blitz #589 vs Onasu (1981) French: exchange variation
Blitz #590 vs GM Rogo (2313) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #591 vs damir1813 (2194) Scandinavian (center counter) defense
Blitz #592 vs IM Aedes (2268) Benoni defense
Blitz #593 vs FishPuppy (2011) Pirc: Ufimtsev-Pytel variation
Blitz #594 vs FM Lala (2215) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #595 vs Nebel (2161) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #596 vs MingChang (2318) Nimzovich-Larsen attack (Hillarious!)
Blitz #597 vs toroparado (2379) Reti Opening
Blitz #598 vs Jon-Kristian12 (2305) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: symmetrical
Blitz #599 vs GM atalik (2495) Nimzovich-Larsen attack: modern variation
Blitz #600 vs FM joejan (2188) French: Steinitz variation

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